Monday, October 8, 2007

Leveling Improvements for 2.3 Patch

Wow Insider has a nice post on the coming improvements for leveling from 30-60. Looks like if you are leveling alts, it would be best to wait on the patch.

It certainly changes, my strategy. I am leveling a gnome mage (52) and a dwarf priest (39) to 70. So instead of leveling both, I will leave the priest where he is, and focus on the mage as he is only 6 levels from 58 and burning crusade content.

I was surprised that Blizz seemed to be most concerned about quests from 30-40. Which seems kinda silly. The hardest leveling is from 40-60. Many of the quests, especially after 50, are focused on instances that are much harder to run than they used to be.

I have never been a huge instance person. You should be able to skip all the instances and still level fairly easily. I think Blizzard makes a mistake when they want people to play a certain way. The game is successful because of multiple play styles that are available. (raiding, questing, pvp)

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