Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Capturing Alterac Valley Towers and Removing Archers

There is one tip I would like share about Alterac Valley and the towers in each faction's base. On a number of occasions I have shared this information in the battleground, but it difficult to make things clear in chat.

If you can sneak into the horde or alliance base and capture the tower before an archer fires a shot, all the archers in that tower magically disappear. Yes that is right, you can take out all the archers in the tower without firing a shot.

Now the key here is the archer's can't fire a shot. This means the tower must be captured by a stealth toon, a rogue or a druid. Simply stealth in, climb the tower, and capture the flag. If you keep a reasonable distance from the archers, its a piece cake to take both.

Unfortunately, often there seems to be some unstealthed knucklehead who insists on riding in and messing the whole thing up. Please non stealthies, if there is a rogue or druid nearby, give them a couple minutes to do their thing before riding in.

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