Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Proof of the Blizz Warlock Conspiracy

In my third and final installment on why Undead Warlocks are Blizz developers favorite PVP class, I provide proof. The conspiracy in all its ugliness is laid bare for the world to see! :) Bwahhahahahahaha. You cannot hide the truth from me Blizz.

Here is my proof point by point

#1: Warrior Nerf
In the coming 2.3 patch, Blizzard is switching Sweeping Strings and Death Wish in the Warrior talent tree. This is a huge nerf to Mortal Strike Warriors. I play with one and he does do well against most cloth wearers. But by no means is victory assured in every match. And if our team is defeated, it is usually by a team with either a Warlock, a Pally or a Frost Mage. I would put MS Warriors 3rd or 4th on the overpowered list. But alas, some Warlocks might actually be killed so the Nerf must be made.

#2: Drain life "bug"
Warlocks can cast the Drain Life spell which damages their target and heals the Warlock. The spell has been "bugged" for quite some time and the healing effect has not been affected by mortal strike. Apparently, this is the only healing spell with this "bug". Blizz is grudgingly going to fix this in patch 2.3.

#3: Night Elf Cat Form Range Bug
Night Elf druids have a bug in catform where if your target runs, you basically can't hit it. Your supposed 5 yard range is effectively 1 yard. This bug has existed for over a year and Blizz has not fixed it. Supposedly it was fixed in 2.2, but it seems to be pretty much unfixed from what I can tell. Why no love on such a basic and important bug? Because Druids aren't Warlocks.

#4: Fear Ward Nerf
In patch 2.3, Blizzard will be "giving" the Fear Ward spell to all Priests. But the new spell will be severely nerfed. Instead of being able to put the 10 min duration spell on a toon every 30 seconds, you will only be able to put the spell on 1 toon every 3 minutes. So what class would be affected by Fear Ward? Hmmmm. The only class that Fear Ward provides any real protection from is Warlocks. That is the only class that can spam fear spells. All other classes fear spells have like a 5 minute cooldown. So why the nerf? Its obvious, too many Warlocks were being killed by Shadow Priests. Can't have that. Take away the spell. Warlocks must have easy mode.

#5: Big "DOTs" nerf
Blizz added this cool new stat called resilience to the game. Resilience reduces the chance that any attack will crit and then when the attack does crit, it reduces the damage taken from the crit. So resilience gear helps you stay alive in PVP. Except the Damage over Time spells (DoTs) were not affected by resilience. What is the only class that relies primarily on DoTs for the majority of their damage? Warlocks. Hmmmm.

So finally, after much complaining Blizz actually relented and allowed DoT's to be reduced by the crit rating from your resilience gear. So now instead of a Warlock's Dots killing me in 15 seconds. I got to die in 18 seconds. Woo hoo! Thanks Blizz.

The conclusion is obvious, Blizzard developers play Undead Warlocks.

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