Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Arena Cheating

There have been a couple of posts on WowInsider on the practice of Win Trading. Basically, you setup a team of alts that you purposefully lose to. Then you arrange off hour matches so you can ensure that your teams will be matched against each other. You win 10 matches a week they lose 10. Then, simply buy a new charter for the losing team every week so you will always go up against a 1500 rated team. According to the second story, a player from my battlegroup (Vengeance) had the top rating in 5v5, 3v3, and 2v2 using this method. Here are the story links:

Arena Cheating 1
Arena Cheating 2

I have suspected for some time that something like this could be possible if you had enough time. That's why I think the whole season 3 rating requirements for certain rewards is such a joke. You want to reward the teams with the most "skill"? Skill at what, cheating? lol.

It is not the cheaters that bother me so much. Its that Blizzard keeps building systems that are so easy to exploit if you have the time to do it. You would think the AFKer problem in Alterac Valley would have made them look more closely at Arena and all BGs. But alas, they continually seem to stick their head in the sand and never acknowledge problems. After these stories circulate, the number of teams doing this is gonna skyrocket. lol.

Arena is a great way for casual players to have fun and get some decent gear. But the least Blizz can do is make it fair for everyone playing.

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