Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bear Tanking in Wrath

Wow Insider has this great post on Bear Tanking in Wrath of the Lich King. If you are a Bear tank you must read it. Lots of good information.

I had kind of guessed that the buff to Survival of the Fittest would make us uncrittable. So there is no need to get Defense or Resilience gear any more. That will be nice.

The big change will be to leather armor. No more leather items with extra armor. When patch 3.0 comes out, this will be a retroactive change. Yep, that's right retroactive. So all the gear you have now, it get its armor value reduced. This means that rings, staffs, trinkets, necklaces, anything with extra armor on it is gonna be much more important.

So if you don't have those items get em now. You have been warned. lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey ummmm im working on my druid tank and i need to no what states i should get for my druid??? a good friend of mine told me to ask u