Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Forum Reaction to Post

The forum reaction to my post was interesting. Pretty hostile. Methinks I touched a nerve. :)

It's interesting that most of the comments were personal attacks instead of any sort of refutation of my comments. Bear tank AOE threat still sucks. DPS is still low. Itemization is still limited for nonraiding druids. The gear is fine if you run 25 man regularly, however, most people don't.

Most of the posters are either high end PVPers or high end Raiders. Most with complete 25 man sets. Saying they are pulling 2k dps with all that gear just makes my point . Pally tanks with only 10 man gear pull 2 to 2.5k dps. What are they pulling with 25 man gear? 3k? 3.5k?

But I can understand the reaction. Bear tanks are fun to play. If players feel threatened by other classes, then I shouldn't be surprised by negative comments. Oh well. So much for civil discourse. :)

Oh, almost forgot. There were many glowing comments about my first attempt at a Boomkin spec. lol. Quite humorous. Apparently I'm supposed to research my spec for 2 weeks before trying it, instead of spending 15 minutes picking what looks like fun. I'll take the 2nd option thanks.

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